Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Movie: The Boys in the Striped Pyjamas

Last night I had watched a movie with my family. The boy in the Striped Pyjamas.

This movies really affected me until today because I always thinks about the end of this story. It gives me a nightmare even it is not a horror movie. I feel very touched and felt sorry for kids who are not innocent. The story starts (set at World War II in Berlin) when Bruno's father get promote and had to move to countryside. Bruno doesn't have any friends in his new place and feel lonely. One day, he explore the backyard and meet Jew's boy named Schmuel. Almost every day, they meet at the same spot and become best friend. Unfortunately, Bruno's and his family(except his father) have to move out and at the same time, Schmuel's father is missing and he is really worried. Bruno decide to help Schmuel to find his father in the camp. When Bruno come inside the camp, he was forced to go to the "shower room" , actually  for burned people. I feel so sorry for these two innocent kids and also those who becomes victims in the war. I don't think all the Jews are bad because Muslim,Christian and Jew had live peace once when Nabi Muhammad SAW rule Madinah and also when the golden age of Islam (zaman kegemilangan Islam). Why not we live in peaceful once again?!

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